Monday, July 20, 2009

Opening the Door to Learning
In toady's classroom we as teachers must always be aware of ways to integrate technology into our classrooms. Our students are so Internet savvy and we must become that way also. In order to keep our students positive about learning we must include technology whenever we can.
At my school, Cobb Performance Learning Center, in Marietta, Georgia we not only are changing with technology we are also being Eco friendly. There is a paper shortage all around and we don't need to cut down any unnecessary trees. We have decided to put part of our course online in Rcampus. It is a free website where you can have an online class. Activity sheets can be loaded, Internet searches can be done and the students get a free eportfolio. The teachers get a website. You should check this out.
I am in the process of updating my website, so when you get a chance check me out at

1 comment:

  1. Bea,

    I agree with you! I think it is important for teachers to learn to integrate technology more into lesson planning rather than just using worksheets as a method of learning. This is great that your school provides this website for the students, it shows that things are going in the right direction. :)
