Cobb Performance Learning Center
What is the Cobb Performance Learning Center? It is an alternative high school in Cobb County where Success in the only option. The Performance Learning Center none as PLC has been in existence in Cobb County for 3 years. There are other PLC's throughout Georgia and now in Pennsylvania and other states.
Usually when someone says alternative school you think of discipline problems. In our school that is not the case. Our School consist of 75 students at one time 15 maximum per classroom. These students feed into us from all the Cobb County High School. Our student body is made up of those students who have dropped out or are on the verge of dropping out because of family situations, boredom, being bullied etc.
To be admitted the students and parents must fill out an application which can be obtained online. Once this application is completed along with references from their home school an interview is made. Once the child and their parent or guardian are interviewed the admissions committee discuss the candidate. If they are accepted they start the next mini-mester. If they are not accepted they will receive a letter stating why their application was denied and suggestions to what they can do and then reapply.
All applicants take a competency skills test because our school does not have the traditional set up. All students must be self motivated. We are student centered and our teachers are facilitators.
Our classes consist of 20 %-50% nova net instructions, individual and group projects, and offline assignments. We have job shadowing, mentor ship and other activities. The students are allowed to attend their home school functions. They take their exit exams with us and when they graduate their diploma will come from their home school.
If you would like more information on our program you can call the school at 678-331-1098.
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